Hello there.

My name is Rebecca and I consider myself a behavioural scientist, Human-Computer-Interaction enthusiast, yogi, slow-fashionist, and optimist.

As a PhD Candidate at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research I am investigating the use and perception of smart speakers in families.

On this website, you find information about my work as a researcher, my experience as a teacher, and my life as a millennial in beautiful Amsterdam.

“Anyone who lives within their means suffers from
a lack of imagination.“

I believe the time has come in which these words by Oscar Wilde start to mean much more for science and society than ever before. I believe synthesizing the human species with our most promising invention – Artificial Intelligence – will allow us to go beyond our means and open up unforeseen possibilities for today's society and the ones yet to come.

What I am currently working on

My Dissertation

Hey Google, Welcome Home. The Acceptance of Virtual Assistants in Dutch Families - this is the preliminary title of my PhD dissertation, which I am currently writing at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR).


My Teaching in Communication Science (B.S. & M.Sc.)

As part of my PhD, I am teaching theory modules, elective courses, and am supervising master theses within the study programs in Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam.


No scientist can only read academic papers

Who also knows the struggle of reading too many books at the same time?
Well, here are my favorites at the moment.


Educated by Tara Westover

This book, I was given by my promotor for Christmas. First, it took me a while to get into the story. But then, I could not put it away. It’s shocking, impressive, sad, and incredibly empowering.

This is gonna end in tears by Liza Klaussmann

A beach read - perfect for my summer vacation that just ended. For me, it was a mix between Gossip Girl and OC California :)

De Onvol-maakten by Ewoud Kieft

I came across this book through my own research. It took me on a (dystopian) journey to a world in which everyone has their own personal assistant.